facebook app hackMost people nowadays make use of facebook more than any other social media platforms. People can freely post their own status, photos, and personal data on Facebook anytime, whether for public viewing or not. Those are just simple information but it can be utilized to do facebook hack on someone’s account. Hacking facebook accounts is carried out due to different reasons; some for personal needs and some for serious objectives. Well, regardless of what reason you have, you can use these tips provided below.

Here are some techniques that you can try to hack a facebook account:

A lot of hackers have succeeded using this method. This entails hacking of facebook passwords by making a fake log in page that looks like a genuine one. You can ask somebody who can do this for you. Afterwards, you can let your selected facebook account owner to sign in to the fake page you’ve made. This way, you will get the email and password entered through a text file, and you can then utilize it to access the account. Also, searching for facebrute will help you hack facebook account without any flaws.

This is one other technique of facebook hack used by some hackers. This method is quite difficult to follow and needs enough time compared to Phishing, which makes it less of a choice. If you opt for this technique, you have to download a hacking tool first and then make a keylogger to hack other account. Also, there are times that it can contain spyware, making the process dangerous. Even though this runs a long process, you can make the process simple if you will utilize the computer utilized by the victim. Through the keylogger, the keystrokes done by the victim will be recorded giving the hacker a higher chance to know the email and password of the victim.

Social Engineering
This is commonly done by ordinary individuals who don’t know anything about hacking or software like facebrute but wanted to access specific facebook accounts. This can be achieved by guessing passwords. You could try numerous password combinations to open a certain account. There are common hints which may help you recognize a specific account’s password.

You can try entering the facebook account hacked user’s phone number as password. This technique will only work if you have personal relationship to the account owner. Next, you can use the name of the user or the name of the user’s girlfriend or boyfriend. Combining names is also a popular way for people to make passwords. Third, try their birthdays. The fourth is just applicable if you really know the account’s owner personally since you will need to know their favorites such as cartoon character, actress and actors and stuffs like that. Fifth, utilize numbers and symbols like 1, 2, and 3 or !,@,# as most users are having passwords with those figures. But keep in mind that you will need more time in performing this technique.

facebook app hackAmong the numerous ways to do mobile facebook hack hack, the above mentioned are the most popular. Try to gain access to various facebook accounts now with these easy ways.